Teacher Live Labs

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This is where you will find the replays of the LIVE Teacher Labs. Click HERE to access Session Dates and Zoom Links.

Teacher Training Lab – Replay #1

Welcome to the first Teacher Lab! This training focused on the two styles of Verbal Articulation while teaching – the Descriptive and Comparative approaches.

*Here aRE THE names to the Satori Qigong: Flow Form exercises.

Teacher Training Lab – Replay #2

Let’s jump into the second Teacher Lab! This training focused on the 6 Dynamic Ds of Teaching. This framework helps you flow through any session you offer.

Teacher Training Lab – Replay #3

In this Teacher Training we dive into 3 of the most important areas when it comes to “Getting Out There” and attracting students and clients:

  1. Where to find people,
  2. Structuring Your Sessions,
  3. and Why you Need Video TODAY!

*Please note, the video was stopped because we were showing some proprietary artwork that isn’t being revealed to the public yet.  Nothing about the Certification training was removed. 🙂

Teacher Training Lab – Replay #4

This training is called – The SATORI C.A.R.E. Business Growth Formula
In this training session we take deeper look at the “C.A.R.E. Business Growth Formula”. It’s a powerful formula that helps you get clear on how to set up your Qigong services for either group or individual sessions… plus a full breakdown on how to attract the right students, keep them coming back and expand your practice over time.

Teacher Training Lab – Replay #4

Enjoy this fourth Teacher Lab where we offered lots of spotlight sessions to work on transitions, attributes and technical proficiency. We’re seeing some great improvements – keep up your personal practice sessions!

Deep Dive Lives

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Below is where you will find the replays of the LIVE Deep Dive Sessions. Click HERE to access Dates and Zoom Links.

Deep Dive Implementation – Replay #1

Welcome to the first Deep Dive Implementation session where we dive into everything to do with the fundamentals and posture!

*Here aRE THE names to the Satori Qigong: Flow Form exercises.

Deep Dive Implementation – Replay #2

Time to dive into the second Deep Dive Implementation! In this session we explored the Power Center moves and standing meditation. 

Deep Dive Implementation – Replay #3

Time to dive into the third Deep Dive Implementation! This session is all about the Heart Center and standing meditation.

Deep Dive Implementation – Replay #4

Time to dive into the fourth Deep Dive Implementation! In this session we focus on the Wisdom Center.

Deep Dive Implementation – Replay #5

There are two parts to this DD content:

  1. Follow along with Sensei Tristan as he demonstrates and narrates the inner world of Qigong. This is the “Slow Flow” approach to The Flow Form. Essentially this “Putting It All Together” session helps you merge everything you’ve been learning throughout this Deep Dive training program.
  2. Mystical Experiences With Qigong 
*Here is a link to download a helpful Glossary of Qigong Terms.

Deep Dive Implementation – Replay #5

(Visual training begins at 48:00) In this fifth and final Deep Dive Implementation we combining everything again and go through a Pre-Exam to help you test your Flow Form skills! There are also lots of enhancements to help you continue to develop your Qigong practice.

*Here is a link to download a helpful Glossary of Qigong Terms.

Deep Dive Bonuses

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Below is where you will find the bonuses that come with your Deep Dive training. 

The following bonuses come with this training:

  • The Stand In Stillness Experience
  • Full Body Tapping (Pai Sha)
  • Free Your Fascia Activator
  • Our “Mastering The Art of Qigong” manual