One Click Download
One Click Download
Would you like to download all of the course materials with just a click?
If so, click on the images below to begin your downloads!
To begin first create a folder on your computer to store the files. You may also want to make sub-folders for each section of the course. If you elect not to do this then you will need to navigate your system to find the files after downloading. They are usually stored on your desktop or in your system download folder.
Once you click on the images above the files will begin to automatically download. Dependant upon the size of the file(s) and the speed of your Internet connection this process can take just minutes and up to an hour or so.
The files are in ZIP format, a form of compression that helps with downloading files faster. You may need to unzip the files before you can use them. Most computers do this automatically. If you need an unzipping tool we recommend you do a Google search, as there are many free and paid ones to choose from. For unzipping on an iPad Apple recommends IZIP.
Once the files are stored on your computer you can play them back using the software that came with your computer. On PC computers videos are usually played-back using Windows Media player. On MAC computers videos are usually played-back using QuickTime.
If you are having trouble playing videos on you PC we recommend that you install QuickTime for PC, it’s FREE and works great!
For playback of audios we recommend QuickTime or Windows Media Player.
To read PDF files most computers and mobile devices come with appropriate software, however if you do need a reader we recommend Adobe Reader, also free.
Once you have saved the files your computer you can jump right into your course materials. Additionally you have our permission to do the following: Save this program to your IPAD, IPHONE, IPOD, ANDROID or MP3/MP4 player. You may also burn ONE copy of the “digital version” of the course to CD and/or DVD.
Digital Media Help:
Here are two helpful links for how to install files on various MP3 and MP4 devices. If you need detailed help for a particular device we recommend doing a search on this helpful website:
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