Life Force Coach

Satori Storybook

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SATORI STORYBOOK (Stepping Into An Upgraded Identity) 

As you learn who YOU are, we help you in creating the Book of You (which we call your Satori Storybook.)

You’ll take all of your WHY work and the core desires you’ve uncovered and shape them into a beautiful book that serves as a Soul Guidance roadmap for your life.

With your own personal map of where you want your life to go, your ability to manifest that life reaches a whole new level.

Why Work Training

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WHY WORK TRAINING (Uncover Core Motivation) 

When you’re upgrading your mind or behavior, it’s important to identify the things that truly light you up and unearth more of what you really WANT in this life.

That’s why learning to go within and listen to that wise inner self is one of the MOST important aspects of the S.A.T.O.R.I. Life-Force system.

When you learn to listen from the inside out, you get to the heart of who YOU are and what you REALLY want.

Success Sequence

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THE SUCCESS SEQUENCE (Step By Step Daily Rituals) 

When working with energy and life force, following a specific sequence is critical. 

In this training, we’ll take a deeper look into the center of the map (aka your Energy Engine) and explain each stage and, specifically, why SEQUENCE is so very important. 

Then we’ll show you the S.A.T.O.R.I. sequence and reveal the modalities and practices that are most effective at each stage for achieving the greatest success with lasting changes.

Path To Mastery

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THE PATH TO MASTERY (How to Stay On The Path) 

There’s an art to developing a practice that you can really stick to. 

As with any practice, there are cycles of waning motivation so what can you do when “staying on the path” seems more challenging?

In this training, we show you how to have a stronger follow-through, more motivation and the ability to consistently “master” your practice.

Mental Kung Fu

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MENTAL KUNG FU (Mindset Mastery Process)

Voices in your head” can become so ingrained that they live, not only in the mind, but they also become embedded into the body.

Many people are aware when they are experiencing anxious thoughts, worries or angst, but aren’t sensitive to how they’ve become embedded in their body and at an energy level.

Mental Kung Fu is a powerful S.A.T.O.R.I. pillar that gives you the exact process to recalibrate these disturbances (in your head, body and energy) and FINALLY get out of these looping habits.

The Energy Score

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THE ENERGY SCORE (The Energy Assessment Tool)  

The first step of a journey is to find out where you’re starting from. 

That’s why Pillar 1 involves doing a quick “Energy Assessment” you can calculate your current Energy Score to see (and feel) where your life-force energy set-point is right now. 

This training gives you a simple tool that shows you ‘How You Doin’ on an energetic level for all the key areas of your life.