
Mastering Your Energy Blueprint


Mastering Your Energy Blueprint You have reached the hidden page with your 6 Master Classes in “Mastering Your Energy Blueprint.” Since not everyone has access to this page we recommend saving the email you received that contains the link you will need if you want to return to this page in the future!
Each Master Class recording below has 3 tabs:
  • The first tab has the actual recording which you can listen to here or download.
  • The second tab has a brief description of what you can expect to learn in each class.
  • And the third tab has a list of the key topics of each class, to help you more easily find something when you want to come back and listen to part of it again. .

 Master Class #1

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[/tab][tab id=2]Brief Description:

Sensei Tristan Truscott and Sensei Peter Ragnar start us on our journey with this first step in their amazing Good Morning Good Evening Qigong program. They offer great insights into Awakening the Chi, and Grounding the Chi as well as touching on the power of “Tapping” as it is applied in Qigong.  This is powerful stuff! You will want to listen to this one again and again, and remember; wherever the mind goes the chi flows.[/tab] [tab id=3]Here’s What You’ll Learn:
  • Starting with the first phase of Good Morning Qigong
  • Understanding the WHY can have a major impact on the results of your practice
  • What is “Tapping” and why does it work?
  • Additional Tapping Points that you can add to this part of your practice when you are ready for more.
  • A simple technique to trigger your immune system into OVERDRIVE.
  • The areas of your body that you can tap to help stabilize your emotional state.
  • Learn how EFT is ONE single aspect of your Qigong practice (the preparation phase) that has developed into a whole discipline in itself.
  • Why your focus on Consistency and Intent may be more important than precision during your tapping preparation.
  • Chi Bouncing to activate your lymph system and stimulate the body to rid itself of poisons.
  • How tapping the heels (during bouncing) can not only help with prostate/menstrual problems but help calm feelings of anger.
  • The natural stimulation of the kidneys during Chi Bouncing (which the ancients believed to be where natural energy originates.)
  • The breathing technique to alkalize the body for an extremely powerful healing effect.
  • Don’t be surprised at the body releasing or cleansing during your practice.
  • How using the visual of your body as a lampshade and the Chi as energy helps you understand the impact of practicing Qigong on your aura (personal energy system.)
  • Learning how the vital step of Grounding the Chi lets you become an “energy antennae” – pulling the energy from above and below and serving as a meeting point between the two.
  • Before even your first move, Tapping the Earth, you can calm the mind so that you can move into your practice with gratitude.
  • Discover some philosophical insights into the origins and practice of Qigong.
  • (46:00)[/tab][/tabs]

Master Class #2

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[/tab][tab id=2]Brief Description:

In this 2nd Master Class call, you get deeper nuances for the second phase of the Good Morning Qigong practice, Building the Chi. Sensei Tristan and Sensei Peter give more insight in how these movements help to build your life force energy while also reviewing some of the benefits people can expect to see from a daily practice.  Their enthusiasm and commitment is contagious! You will definitely get a “lift” from it! [/tab] [tab id=3]Here’s What You’ll Learn:
  • The importance of approaching your practice with reverence and treating these classes as a virtual dojo.
  • What is that electromagnetic energy experienced during the Opening the Palms exercise?
  • Sensei Tristan and Sensei Peter recall their first times experiencing Chi and tell you a little about what you can expect as your own chi develops.
  • The distinction between Tai Chi and Qigong.
  • The importance of the integration in the Inner and Outer forms of Qigong practices.
  • How every level of Qigong uses the breath to exercise invisible muscles to plumb hidden depths of energy.
  • Using Qigong to build Will and conquer Fear Blocks.
  • Tips for using Reeling the Iron in advancing your own Chi building capacity as your Qigong practice progresses.
  • The intricate physical and energy dynamics involved in the simple movements of Reeling the Iron.
  • Packing the Chi into the very marrow of your bones.
  • Ever wonder where the image of the luminous halo comes from?
  • One trick you can do with your tongue that “completes your energy circuit.”
  • Why do your thoughts change and your compassion grow as your Chi develops?
  • How does your Qigong practice counter the ongoing reduction of the Earth’s magnetic field?
  • Is Qigong practice negatively impacted for those who can’t visualize golden light?
  • Nurturing the opening of the doorway to experiencing light.
  • Surrender as a “bookend” to the reverence to the beginning of your practice.[/tab][/tabs]

Master Class #3

[tabs tab1=”LISTEN TO THE CALL” tab2=”BRIEF DESCRIPTION” tab3=”WHAT YOU WILL LEARN“] [tab id=1][separator top=”40”]


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[/tab][tab id=2]Brief Description:

In guiding us through the 3rd step of Good Morning Qigong, Storing the Chi, Sensei Tristan and Sensei Peter give us exercises and nuances on how to make sure we are storing the Chi correctly. Sensei Tristan also shares his beautiful story of  his first Satori “awakening” with the light… and what a difference such an experience can make  in your transformation — especially when the light glows and radiates from your heart. Both Tristan and Peter share about the amazing power of Qigong to connect us with what we are — pure light and love.[/tab] [tab id=3]Here’s What You’ll Learn:
  • Becoming familiar with what is happening in your body during this point of your Chi training.
  • A simple explanation of why consistency so important for dramatic changes at a cellular level.
  • Addressing the “leaky energy faucets” in our daily lives.
  • How experiencing even the “ghost” of a buzz of Chi can lead to boundless energy.
  • Drinking in the Energy through the movement of Filling Shen (Spirit) Valley.
  • Walking through the steps to literally pouring energy into your body.
  • The scientific basis behind the human body being made of, and filled with, light.
  • Nurturing an environment in your body that is not conducive to illness.
  • Learning the nuances of extending a protective shield around yourself.
  • A simple explanation of how a proper protective shield works against an assailant.
  • How Peter used Chi awareness to ward off a physical attack.
  • Moving into Embracing the Chi to begin really storing the Chi in our body’s reservoir.
  • How to extend the energy that you have stored into action.
  • The 8 foot wall of energy that science has discovered surrounds us.
  • Moving into the Heart Center where all the magic happens.
  • How to become truly Filled With Chi.[/tab][/tabs]

Master Class #4

[tabs tab1=”LISTEN TO THE CALL” tab2=”BRIEF DESCRIPTION” tab3=”WHAT YOU WILL LEARN“] [tab id=1][separator top=”40”]


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[/tab][tab id=2]Brief Description:

In this Master Class on the 1st phase of Good Evening Qigong, Sensei Tristan and Sensei Peter dive deeper into Cleansing the Chi. But beyond the moves themselves, they give amazing tips on how to create the perfect environment (your sacred space) for your Qigong practice. You’ll get insights into feng shui, sound healing, music choices, smells and lighting. Any and all of the little adjustments you can make that will help you feel clear and present — so that your Chi cleansing begins the moment you walk into the space. They even share about the insights that they themselves got while the Fire raged around them during the filming of the Qigong Course! There are so many wonderful lessons in this class… is it going to be your favorite one so far?[/tab] [tab id=3]Here’s What You’ll Learn:
  • A glimpse of the Universal Oneness of creativity, healing and joy from which this course originates.
  • Allowing yourself to become a channel for the Chi.
  • How Chi can help you deal with the outer appearance of “bad circumstance.”
  • Insight into the filming of the Good Morning Good Evening Qigong program.
  • The importance of being Playful and approaching your practice with the right Intent.
  • Choosing the right environment and “tone” of your surroundings for your Good Evening routine.
  • The power of music and the impact of “noise” on your Qigong practice.
  • Having certain plants in your environment can help (or hinder) your Qigong practice.
  • Entering your space as the beginning of your cleansing.
  • Choosing pictures, lighting and colors in your practice space for inspiration and remembrance.
  • How to release toxic/harmful vibrations that have become attached to you throughout the day.
  • After your Energy Shower, the “Toweling Off” technique is not just for end of the day cleansing.
  • Transforming complaining through the ancient practice of “Naming the Demon.”
  • Taking responsibility and then what? Peter’s simple exercise that can change everything.
  • How you can take your practice of Qigong to a whole new level.
  • Shaking It Off” at the end of the day, before standing under that beautiful waterfall of life’s energy.
  • The importance of using your protective shield as your sensitivity to “off” energies increases.[/tab][/tabs]

Master Class #5

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[/tab][tab id=2]Brief Description:

In this Master Class, the passion and purpose of both Sensei Tristan and Sensei Peter become even more evident as they tend to this little garden of students they are nurturing.  Diving into Calming the Chi, they help us calm down and refill our energy, letting go of the stress we’re clinging to so tightly. This class examines how the body is either secreting DHEA or it is stressed, but it can’t do both at the same time. And with DHEA being vital for health, energy and the youthful exuberance during longevity, it’s no wonder that releasing stress is so important to our all-around well-being. [/tab] [tab id=3]Here’s What You’ll Learn:
  • Getting the subconscious mind to accept the message to Calm Down.
  • Clearing the mind and settling the body at the end of the day.
  • The difference in the flow of the chi when calming rather than building.
  • Fitting a Qigong practice into our already busy lives.
  • The impact of Qigong on DHEA (the much-touted “Youth Hormone.“)
  • Cutting through the “brain fog” on a hormonal level.
  • Three new scientific studies that show how Qigong significantly impacts our gene-expression that controls stress neurochemicals
  • The role of visualization with Qigong practice.
  • Exploring the safety and protection of the relaxed state of the “Drunken Monkey” referred to in Kung Fu.
  • Surrendering to the dance of Emptying Resistance.
  • Qigong as a Path as well as a Practice.
  • The ultimate value of coaching to both the student and the teacher.
  • The nuances and intent of “Pushing” — the final act of Calming the Chi.[/tab][/tabs]

Master Class #6

[tabs tab1=”LISTEN TO THE CALL” tab2=”BRIEF DESCRIPTION” tab3=”WHAT YOU WILL LEARN“] [tab id=1][separator top=”40”]


To Download: Right Click & Choose Save

[/tab][tab id=2]Brief Description:

In this last Master Class of the series, Sensei Tristan and Sensei Peter share about the importance of Accumulating the Chi at night. How by activating Yin (soft) energy you open up the channels to receive energy that will rejuvenate and replenish you during your night’s sleep. There are tons of deeper insights during this call… not the least of which is the fact that when you practice the “Chi Cross” it brings your brain and heart center into a state of harmonious balance – in this state you are able to emit a purposeful and powerful signal – one that helps you manifest the life you love![/tab] [tab id=3]Here’s What You’ll Learn:
  • The essence (and state of mind) behind the movements of Qigong.
  • Accumulating the Chi as a Recognition of the Chi, which intensifies the experience.
  • The principle of Each One, Teach One – the gift you give is the gift you receive.
  • The deeper you go, the more you open and the more quiet the world becomes.
  • How any energetic discord (like stress) destroys the electromagnetic “glue” that holds cell together.
  • Why some people can’t recharge at night – even though they are getting the proper amount of “rest.”
  • Threading the energy through the conduits from your upper to your lower body.
  • Walking through the nuances of “Plugging In” to the flow of the Chi.
  • Accumulating chi and charging every cell in your whole body.
  • Why the ancients believed that the depletion of the energy of your bone marrow was the leading cause of aging.
  • Beyond the obvious impact: The aging effect of pain and injury.
  • Walking the ultimate path to self-discovery.
  • Embracing the Moon to open yourself up to the soft, rejuvenating energy that will continue flowing through your body during your sleep.
  • The power of taking a break – a retreat from your normal schedule.[/tab][/tabs]

Total Transformation

Good Morning Basics

Sensei Tristan and Sensei Peter introduce 3 basic movements from the Good Morning Qigong training. One movement to AWAKEN your energy; one movement to BUILD your energy and one movement to STORE energy for the rest of the day. You can watch this training over and over until you feel comfortable doing them on your own. (15  minutes)

Click HERE to download the diagram referenced in the video


One Click Download

One Click Download

Would you like to download all of the course materials with just a click?
If so, click on the images below to begin your downloads!

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To begin first create a folder on your computer to store the files. You may also want to make sub-folders for each section of the course. If you elect not to do this then you will need to navigate your system to find the files after downloading. They are usually stored on your desktop or in your system download folder.

Once you click on the images above the files will begin to automatically download. Dependant upon the size of the file(s) and the speed of your Internet connection this process can take just minutes and up to an hour or so.

The files are in ZIP format, a form of compression that helps with downloading files faster. You may need to unzip the files before you can use them. Most computers do this automatically. If you need an unzipping tool for your computer we recommend you do a Google search, as there are many free and paid ones to choose from. For unzipping on an iPad Apple recommends IZIP. Once the files are stored on your computer you can play them back using the software that came with your computer. On PC computers videos are usually played-back using Windows Media player. On MAC computers videos are usually played-back using QuickTime.

If you are having trouble playing videos on you PC we recommend that you install QuickTime for PC, it’s FREE and works great!

For playback of audios we recommend QuickTime or Windows Media Player.

To read PDF files most computers and mobile devices come with appropriate software, however if you do need a reader we recommend Adobe Reader, also free.

Once you have saved all of the files to your computer you can jump right into your course materials. Additionally you have our permission to do the following: Save this program to your IPAD, IPHONE, IPOD, ANDROID or MP3/MP4 player. You may also burn ONE copy of the “digital version” of the course to CD and/or DVD.

Digital Media Help:

Here are two helpful links for how to install files on various MP3  and MP4 devices. If you need detailed help for a particular device we recommend doing a search on this helpful website: www.ehow.com

Good Morning Good Evening Qigong


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Product Cover

With Sensei Tristan Truscott & Sensei Peter Ragnar

Congratulations and Welcome! You are currently logged into the member’s area for the Qigong program and it is here where you will find all of your “ONLINE” course materials.

This is a 4-Week course, and we highly recommend that you do not skip ahead as we will be specifically building upon each phase of your Qi development. Your body needs to prepare to receive and contain greater amounts of energy and vitality. Week Four is called the Power Sessions and these routines will be used as your 10-minute trainings for the rest of your long healthy life!

And now we are ready to begin your Qigong training!  The very first thing you should do is read the Quick Start Guide located on the “Get Started” page. On this page you will also find additional materials to help you get the most out of your Good Morning Good Evening Qigong course.

Disclaimer: The information within this course is not intended to replace professional medical diagnosis, treatment or even advice. You should always consult a qualified healthcare professional with questions about any medical condition.


A Message From The Founders

Tristan and Sabrina Truscott

Thank you so much for joining the Satori Method Academy and placing your trust in us by ordering Good Morning Good Evening Qigong. We are totally dedicated to your transformation and look forward to learning more about your journey. Please know that we are here for you and we would love to meet you through our Private Facebook Community. Thank you again for joining the Satori Method family!

In Love, Light & Laughter ~ Tristan & Sabrina



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Full-Body Relaxation Meditation

Easily and quickly reset your Mind-Body-Spirit Connection with this 30-minute Full Body Relaxation Meditation, guided by Sabrina Truscott (co-founder of Satori Method).

As you listen you will be gently guided to unwind tension from your mind and body as Sabrina walks you through a full-body muscle relaxation process.

The beautiful narration with soft brainwave balancing music effortlessly releases physical tension from your body, while clearing stress, worry or concern from your mind.

This releasing process has been designed to provide the deepest level of relaxation, in the shortest amount of time. Simply lean back and relax as this guided audio taps you back into a natural state of ease and flow.

*Soundtrack created for Satori Method by Craig Young Music.




Qigong Energy Manifestor

In this bonus you will get access to the Qigong Energy Manifestor. This detailed video will teach you how to use ancient energy manifestation secrets passed down throughout the ages by Martial Arts Masters so you can…

Quickly banish emotions that have been blocking you in the past. Boost your attraction signal to the MAX with this ancient four-step process. Open your heart’s energetic center so you only attract goodness and create golden opportunities in your life within just a few minutes.


Chinese Herbs For Energy

In this 182 page ebook you will discover powerful Chinese medicines used for centuries to activate energy flow or Qi in your body. 

By unlocking stagnant energy you will experience more energy, have more stamina and be able to deal with stress easily!

These are the herbs used for centuries to activate the Vital Life Force Qi in your body!


Combat Age Related Muscle Loss

Discover what you need to know about muscle mass loss (Sarcopenia) and what you can do to stop losing it – and even put healthy, sculpted muscle back on your bones!

Did you know that after the age of 30 you lose 5% of your muscle mass every decade? That’s 10% by the time you’re 50. Well we’re both well over 50 and we’d like to say “we still got the muscle”.

Want more trainings like this? Sign up for the Trisbrina Wellness Show Here – It’s FREE!


Mastering Your Energy Blueprint

With this Super Bonus you’re getting access to a very special masterclass series that Sensei Tristan and Sensei Peter offered to the very first wave of students who went through the Good Morning Good Evening Qigong program.

Power Sessions


Please scroll down for all your program materials.



Congratulations! You’ve made it to Week Four!  Now your body, mind and energy are primed to get the most out of these Power Sessions. Follow-along with this practice session to quickly and powerfully awaken, build and store life force at the beginning of your day.

Right Click HERE to Save/Download the Audio from this Power Session.



Follow-along with this practice session to quickly and powerfully cleanse, calm and accumulate life force energy at the end of each day.

Right Click HERE to Save/Download the Audio from this Power Session.

Get Started


Please scroll down for all your program materials.


Quick Start Guide

IMPORTANT: Before anything else please be sure to read this guide to understand what to do and in what order.
Click HERE to Read Now


6-Step Qigong Energy eBook

Read the Good Morning Good Evening Qigong eBook to grasp nuances from the 6-Step Blueprint and master your practice!
Click HERE to Read Now


6-Step Energy Audiobook

Please enjoy the Good Morning Good Evening Qigong on Audiobook for your convenience and continued learning! Click HERE to Listen


QI Manual (Course Transcripts)

Print out the QI Manual: Course Transcripts and Worksheets so you can use this to follow along, making notes as you watch the lessons! 

Click HERE to Print Now


Week Three


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Sensei Tristan and Sensei Peter give detailed instruction for storing energy that you’ll have to draw from throughout the day. Watch this lesson in the mornings during Week Three to get the most out of your follow-along practice session. Watching it once will help greatly, but watch it multiple times during Week Three if you want to really master the nuances.



Follow-along with this practice session in the mornings during Week Three. It’s during these morning practice sessions where the greatest awakening, building and storing of life force energy takes place.



Sensei Tristan and Sensei Peter give detailed instruction for gathering more energy. Watch this lesson in the evenings during Week Three to get the most out of your follow-along practice session. Watch it once to catch the nuances of the movements, but feel free to watch it as many times as you need to during Week Three to really master the nuances.



Follow-along with this practice session in the evenings during Week Three. It’s during these evening practice sessions where the greatest cleansing, calming and accumulating of life force energy takes place.

Week Two


Please scroll down for all your program materials.



Sensei Tristan and Sensei Peter give detailed instruction for building your energy. Watch this lesson in the mornings during Week Two to get the most out of your follow-along practice session. Watching it once will help greatly, but watch it multiple times during Week Two if you want to really master the nuances.



Follow-along with this practice session in the mornings during Week Two. It’s during these morning practice sessions where the greatest awakening, building and storing of life force energy takes place.



Sensei Tristan and Sensei Peter give detailed instruction for calming your energy. Watch this lesson in the evenings during Week Two to get the most out of your follow-along practice session. Watch it once to catch the nuances of the movements, but feel free to watch it as many times as you need to during Week Two to really master the nuances.



Follow-along with this practice session in the evenings during Week Two. It’s during these evening practice sessions where the greatest cleansing, calming and accumulating of life force energy takes place.

Week One


Please scroll down for all your program materials.



Watch this lesson at the beginning of Week One. Then re-watch it as needed until you feel that you are very familiar with what is taught in this lesson. Understanding these five core principles will greatly help you to develop an incredibly successful Qigong practice.



Sensei Tristan and Sensei Peter give detailed instruction for awakening your life force energy. Watch this lesson in the mornings during Week One to get the most out of your follow-along practice session.  Watching it once will help greatly, but watch it multiple times during Week One if you want to really master the nuances.



Follow-along with this practice session in the mornings during Week One. It’s during these morning practice sessions where the greatest awakening, building and storing of life force energy takes place.



Sensei Tristan and Sensei Peter give detailed instruction for cleansing your life force energy. Watch this lesson in the evenings during Week One to get the most out of your follow-along practice session.  Watch it once to catch the nuances of the movements, but feel free to watch it as many times as you need to during Week One to really master the nuances.



Follow-along with this practice session in the evenings during Week One. It’s during these evening practice sessions where the greatest cleansing, calming and accumulating of life force energy takes place.